Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Lets get these names sorted

It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between John and Skip so perhaps Scouts should decide.

What about   New Skip and Old Skip?
or                  General Skip and Brigadier Skip?
or                  John Skip and Malcolm Skip?

Scouts it's up to you to decide what to call us.

Skip Major's been buying crepe paper

After a busy morning messy tent erecting with Skip Minor, Skip Major spent his last afternoon on Planet Normal (until 10th August at least) purchasing some florescent tent pegs so that Skip Minor can find his way back from the Scout & Compass (the orienteering tent), some fairy lights so that the guides next door feel at home and some multi-coloured crepe paper to ensure that everyone has a grass skirt for the carnival.

One day to go

John and Skip have been working hard erecting our Mess Tents and sorting out equipment.
Scouts task tomorrow is to arrive and erect your own tents!

Just arrived

Cooking tent up

Mess tent up

Looking good
View from our site.

Friday, 26 July 2013

John Hemming Clark and Skip will be going down to Campdowne on Wednesday 31 July to erect our Marquee and to take some of the bulky equipment.

Access will be from Birdhouse Lane but from Thursday 1 August all access to the campside will be from Charles Darwin School, Jail Lane, Biggin Hill, TN163AU
Hi Everyone, Lets start the Blog with some basic information

Nights Away Information Form

Chislehurst Invicta Scouts
Campdowne 2013
1-10 August 2013
Downe Scout Activity Centre, Downe Scout Activity Centre, Downe, Orpington, Kent. BR6 7LJ  Phone:-  01959 572121
Meeting place and time:
Chislehurst Village Hall, 9am 1 August 2013
Collection place and time:
Chislehurst Village Hall, 10 August, to be advised
Transport details:
Taken by car by Skip
Far too many to list
Further details:
Organiser and contact details:
Malcolm Fox, 07767 242478, 'Glengowan' Merlewood Drive
Chislehurst, BR7 5LQ

Home Contact and contact details:


Jasmine Hannam, 93 Colney Road, Dartford, Kent, DA1 1TG
Phone number 01322 284258, Mobile 07971719026, Email


Note: All activities will be run in accordance with The Scout Association’s safety Rules. No responsibility for the personal equipment/clothing and effects can be accepted by the organisers and The Scout Association does not provide automatic insurance cover in respect to such items.

Please complete and return this section to Malcolm Fox                     by 1 August 2013

Name of young person:
Campdowne 2013

I have noted the arrangements above and agree to the named young person taking part. I understand that the event Leader reserves the right to send any participants home if deemed necessary.

Is he/she able to swim 50 metres and stay afloat for five minutes in light clothing?

Yes / No

Emergency contact:
Doctor’s name and contact details:
Details of any medications currently being taken:
Details of any disabilities, conditions, allergies, special needs or cultural needs that might affect this event:
Details of any infectious diseases he/she has been in contact with in the last three weeks:



If it becomes necessary for the above named young person to receive medical treatment and I cannot be contacted to authorise this, I hereby give my general consent to any necessary medical treatment and authorise the Leader in charge to sign any document required by the hospital authorities.

Relationship to young person:

Please use the back of this form if more space is required

Nights Away Kit List

All young people will need to bring their personal equipment and should be encouraged to pack themselves. This list is only a guide.
Warm sweaters, jumpers or sweatshirts
Sun hat, sun cream and sun glasses
T-shirts or similar
Sleeping bag
Trousers or shorts
Foam roll / karrimat
Spare socks (one pair per day)
Tea towel
Torch and spare batteries
Waterproof (coat and trousers)
Day sack and plastic drinks bottle
Swimwear and towel
Polythene bags (for dirty clothes)
Teddy!  If necessary
Personal washing requirements and towel
Ÿ It is best to pack a rucksack or sports bag that you can carry on your back. Suitcases are not suitable for tents.
Ÿ All items should be clearly labelled with the young person’s name.


Please note we are camping with the 5th Chislehurst Scouts, John Hemming-Clark is their leader Mobile 07968 525692

Judy Gant is John’s assistant Scout Leader, 01689 896395